HEIGHT Magazine’s Editor In Chief Releases Help Guide for Women Entrepreneurs

"Entrepreneurship can be rewarding and equally as challenging at the same time. Balancing it all, no matter how positive you are regarding your endeavor can lead to complex moments of feeling insecure, doubtful and sometimes defeated as you're building a business”.

New York- Rae Ashe is a Writer and Editor In Chief of HEIGHT Magazine, publishes unique journal for business women. Heal As you Build: A Business Woman’s Journal and Reminder “It’s Going To Be Okay was created out of personal and career experiences. “This journal is not just blank notebook pages. It’s filled with elements I could not find while seeking the very one I’ve created. Little tasks, prompts, sticky notes and of course a planner. It’s both a personal and business journal. The merge was significant in many areas for me. So, I felt the need to share it with other women. I know I can’t be the only woman who loves variation”.

That was the beginning of the talented writers thirst for character creativity. Heal As you Build: A Business Woman’s Journal and Reminder “It’s Going To Be Okay is the first of a series that Rae has created for aspiring and seasoned entrepreneurs.

She, like many entrepreneurs experience many challenges. Working her way in reverse with this series of journals and eventually the autobiography. She felt there was more of a need of motivation to be given. Heal As you Build: A Business Woman’s Journal and Reminder “It’s Going To Be Okay speaks directly to those who may not have the strongest support system as they strive to build businesses. Available now at Barnes & Noble.

HEIGHT Magazine

A cultural experience filled with wellness aspects, fashion, beauty and lifestyle.


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Editor in Chief Rae Ashe Receives Recognition